These foods give the phrase ‘you are what you eat’ a whole new meaning. Studies have shown that they are good for various body parts. The fun part of the diet? These foods actually resemble the body parts they are beneficial.
Feast for the Eyes
Though you can’t correct all your eye issues by munching on a carrot, you can certainly prevent more from developing. Carrots contain Vitamin A, a deficiency of which can cause night blindness. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene which is an essential nutrient for the eyes. As far as its appearance goes, cut off a slice of carrot and see for yourself! Carrot slices have lines which closely resemble the iris and pupil.
Brain Food
Walnuts contain omega-3 fats which are essential for the normal function of the human brain. The average brain contains more than 60% structural fat which forms the cell membranes. These are the guardians of brain cells. A walnut minus its shell is small, wrinkled and unprepossessing – much like the human brain. And like the human brain, it is much more than it seems.
Down to the Bone
Celery has always been proclaimed as the ultimate symbol of dieting. Women have been seen furtively munching on them for years, hoping to lose that last extra kilo. Studies have shown that celery contains phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, making it an ideal bone strengthener. Celery is naturally available in stalks which are tough and lean, a perfect food complement to bones. Silicon can also be found in celery which is a key part of the molecular structure of bones. Another funny coincidence is that the sodium levels in bones are 23% – exactly the same as in celery.
Fruit for the Womb
Avocados are excellent for hormonal balance as they contain glutathione, an antioxidant which reduces the number of radicals in the body. It also prevents the absorption of bad fats which aid the growth of cancer. Avocado also contains folic acid which reduces the chances of developing cervical dysplasia. Shaped much like a light bulb or a pear, the avocado bears remarkable resemblance to the uterus.
Food for the Heart
Tomatoes are beloved of most foodies, not only for their beautiful colour and versatile use in most forms of cooking but for how nutritious they are. The fruit contains lycopene, folate, vitamin B6 and niacin, all of which have been proven to reduce the risk of succumbing to heart disease. By mixing tomatoes with other ingredients containing a little fat such as avocado and olive oil, the body’s absorption of lycopene is boosted substantially. Like the heart, once sliced open, the tomato has several chambers.
Digestive Delight
Ginger and its extracts are age old remedies for digestive ailments. Ginger beer and ale are used as soothers for the stomach. A medicinal form of ginger, called ‘Jamaica Ginger’ has found use as a treatment for colic and dyspepsia. It is also beneficial for people with gall stones. It triggers the release of bile from the gall bladder, which helps accelerate the healing process. Ginger in its natural form looks much like the stomach.
In Your Blood
Red wine, besides looking a lot like blood, has a lot of properties that stimulate the flow of blood within the body. It is composed of antioxidants, flavoid, phenolics and resveratrol. Red wine is made out of grapes which contains resveratrol that prevents the clotting of blood. Flavoids have the characteristics of antioxidants and also prevent the formation of plaque in the arteries.