Pet Corner

Here’s How You Could Help Your Arthritic Dog!

Make them feel comfortable!


Other therapies: Laser therapy and acupuncture apparently help dogs with canine arthritis. I can’t vouch for either because I haven’t tried them; however, you could check with your vet.

Range of motion: When your dog is lying down, do range of motion exercises with him for ten to fifteen minutes. Take each leg (front and back) and gently stretch each leg to its maximum range in a cycling motion.

Massage: Nothing like a good massage to stimulate blood flow. Gently massage your dog’s legs and hips with your hands or with coconut oil. When Hotdog is in pain, I rub in some Rumalaya ointment or Kineaz (an Ayurvedic oil). After the massage, apply a warm compress or hot water bag wrapped in a towel.

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