The Sunday episode started with the host Kamal Haasan reminding the hosuemates about elimination. Leaving out the ticket to finale winner Vishnu, other contestants Mani, Vichithra, Maya, Archana, Dinesh and Vijay were asked to vote for other contestants as that determined who may stay in the house and who may not. But with an unexpected turn of events, Vichithra bid a bit of an emotional farewell to everyone and left the house.
In the mid week it was revealed that Poornima took the cash box of Rs 16 lakh and left the house. On January 5, on the first promo of that day’s show, Poornima can be seen taking the Rs 16 lakh suitcase and bidding goodbye to the remaining contestants. She can also be seen dancing with the contestants before she leaves the house.
Bigg Boss introduced a new task, “ Bigg Boss Friends Visit” as old contestants came to the house as surprise entries. The housemates are shocked and happy to see their friends and also few were seen asking how things are outside and how is their reception.
Amidst all the interaction, there came a reality check when Bigg Boss announced mid week eviction. The final six contestants were asked to lock themselves in different areas of the house. If the doors opened the housemates were saved if not they are the evicted one. While saving everyone, Vishnu and Vijay found themselves being the last and ultimately Vijay got eliminated. Regular viewers and netizens are making edits of Vijay Varma and are bidding an emotional goodbye.
@vijayvarma_ When you enter the house again or in finale performance, perform an mind-blowing dance like below or even better and give a slipper-shot to all your haters!#VijayVarma #VibrantVijayVarma #BiggBossTamil7
— kalpana rani (@kalpana_rani) January 11, 2024
Even after all these evictions there are final 5 contestants, Mani, Archana, Maya, Dinesh and Vishnu, among all these people one of the contestants is again evicted as mid week eviction, is going round on the internet, fans are speculating that Vishnu is the eliminated as today’s mid week eviction.
The grand finale of Bigg Boss Tamil season 7 is to happen this weekend. Who according to you will win the title?