
‘I Will Never Forgive Myself For What I Did To My Wife For 8 Years.’

‘I wish…I just wish’

“My wife and I have known each other for over 8 years. It started off as friendship, then love, and finally marriage. On the surface, it seemed like we were progressing, but the sad truth was how we had slipped into a slow degeneration. We stopped interacting and lacked time for each other. No, no. stopped interacting and lacked time for her.

I have always been someone who is not socially adept and speaks less. And she is the complete opposite. When I returned from work, I spent more time on the laptop and mobile phone. She would be so upset about how we had drifted apart. But I mostly dismissed it as how couples need to forget romance and be more practical as marriages progress. I was so wrong.

A year ago, we moved to the US for work. With no friends or family around us, we only had each other. It brought us closer. For the first time in 8 years, I was beginning to realize how much I had missed out on. I had such a wonderful partner. My BEST FRIEND was at home, and I had looked everywhere for emotional support when the chips were down. If only I had put that laptop or phone aside and spoken to her, I wouldn’t have grayed so early.

The arrival of the baby brought us closer still. I was rediscovering my love for her. And I wanted to make up for 7 years of neglect. That is when it struck like a lightning. Our moments of loving togetherness suddenly seemed like they would disappear forever.

I just wish… I just wish I had switched off that phone while talking to her. Turned off that cricket match. Not replied to that office e-mail late at night and listened to how her day had transpired. Or even stayed up long enough to give her company while she cleaned up the kitchen. Held back my hunger to dine with her. What wouldn’t I do to get back every minute that I didn’t spend with her?”

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