Food & Nuitrition

7 Alternate Ways to Junk Food : #JunkFoodDay!

Happy eating!






Chocolates are good and bad, good because they release the good happy hormone in our body and bad because of the calories. Make a healthier choice of opting for dark chocolates, nuts covered in chocolates or dried fruits dipped in chocolates which are the same as chocolate yet better for your system.



Ice Cream

Ice Creams are described as the most comforting forms of food, whether it is a break up, a painful fracture, a stressful job- ice cream can melt mountains. While everyone knows how unhealthy a tub of ice cream can be, we all seem to indulge in it more than often. 210 calories, studies have shown that ice cream contains more than that. A less unhealthy way is to get yourself some vanilla flavoured ice cream instead of the choco chip. This ensures a lesser calorie count and a better way to spoil yourself.

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