Travel & Living

10 Reasons Why Dandeli Should Be On Your Must Visit List!

Karnataka’s hidden treasure!

Hike and Trek

Rappelling – After your refreshing tryst with water, it is time to embrace the land in all its elemental ferocity. And there is no better way, to get acquainted with the feral Sahayadri ranges, than a daring session of rappelling. Not for the faint hearted, this activity involves climbing and plunging down steep rock faces with just a suspiciously flimsy looking rope as a harness. A real cliff hanger, if ever there was one.

Jungle Safari – Hop on to the open jeeps or hike (only the daring ones) and navigate your way through the thick forests bordered by the Kali. You could spot one of the many species of animals that live in the jungle. If you are lucky you can run into bison, wild squirrels and even big cats like tigers and panthers. Even if you do not to see any animals, the ride through the woods will leave you mesmerised. 

Syntheri Rocks – The massive monolith in the midst of the Dandeli Sanctuary warrants a visit The cooing of doves and the humming of bees create a fusion with the musical gurgling of the small waterfall embedded in the rocks lending to the magical quality of the place.

 Cavla Caves – Relive the eerie thrill of the quest of the Horcruxes undertaken by boy wizard Harry Potter as you travel to these caves. These limestone caves are claustrophobic, pitch dark and filled with bats and the occasional snakes. If you are not deterred and want to travel inside the tunnel remember you have to crawl on your fours and at a snail’s pace.The mound formed by the melting and subsequent crystallisation of limestone lends a touch of divinity to the caves.