
We Are On Your Side But We Are Angry: Kamal Haasan Pens Down An Emotional Letter To The Prime Minister Of India!

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Kamal Haasan is not just an actor today but he is also the president of his political Party Makkal Needhi Mayyam. He has always been actively campaigning and voicing his opinion with regards to any government activity – positive or negative. The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, on March 23rd had requested his fellow citizens to clap their hands appreciating the efforts of doctors, hospital staff and the municipal staff. Again last night, the PM had requested people to light a lamp and pray for a fight against Corona Virus.

However, some dimwits took it up a notch and gathered in groups to burst crackers. This is no celebration and firecrackers proves otherwise. People are dying, we do not have enough facilities to accommodate incoming patients. Kamal Haasan, talked about the dismay this has caused.

He wrote, “My biggest fear is that the same mistake of demonetisation is being repeated albeit at a much bigger scale. While demonetisation led to loss of savings and livelihood of the poorest, this ill-planned lockdown is leading us to a fatal combination of loss of both life and livelihood. Today, there is probably no other world leader who has such a mass following. You speak, they follow. Today the country has risen to the occasion and invested its trust in your office. You must have noticed that even your naysayers clapped and cheered when you gave the call to do so in order to appreciate the countless health-workers working selflessly and tirelessly for the masses. We will comply to your wishes and orders but our compliance must not be confused as our subjugation. My own role as a leader of my people entails me to speak my mind and question your ways. Please pardon my lack of etiquette, if any. My biggest fear is that the same mistake of demonetization is being repeated albeit at a much bigger scale. While demonetization led to loss of savings and livelihood of the poorest, this illplanned lockdown is leading us to a fatal combination of loss of both life and livelihood.”

He continued, “I am sure you don’t want to be a balcony government only for the balcony people by completely ignoring the poor who are biggest constituent of our society, our support system and the foundation on which the middle-class, the well-to-do and the rich build their lives. As millions of daily wage labourers, house-helps, street-cart vendors, auto-rickshaw & taxi drivers and helpless migrant workers struggle to see light at the end of the tunnel, we seem to be securing only an already well-built middle-class fortress. Don’t get me wrong sir, I am not suggesting we ignore the middle-class or any one segment…I would like to see you doing more to secure everybody’s fortress and ensure that nobody goes to bed hungry.”

Read the full press release below:


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