Adding that out of the 42 new cases, eight of them travelled as a group and 33 others were their contacts, Beela Rajesh said that a Malaysian national has also been tested positive from the same event. Of the remaining six, two were already on quarantine and four others are from Chennai, with the source of their infection yet to be identified.
Further adding, Dr. Beela Rajesh, “As of now, 1480 persons who attended the single source event have been traced by revenue, police departments.” She also added that those who have been tested positive recently include four doctors who were treating COVID-19 patients. As of Wednesday, 679 persons from a single source event have tested positive which includes 553 who had travelled as a group to the event and 105 of their contacts. The 679 positive cases also include seven foreign nationals and their 14 contacts. 344 samples are under process, according to Beela Rajesh.
Apart from this, a man who has been tested positive has absconded while the police go around hunting him down. According to the officials, “On Tuesday night, one of his samples tested negative for COVID-19 and hence the hospital discharged him. But today (Wednesday), another set of samples came back positive for COVID-19 and hence we are looking to trace him.”
It has also been reported that the hospital had discharged four patients whose tests returned positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday. However, three persons were immediately traced from Villupuram and isolated in the hospital.
The state has so far screened over 2 lakh persons and tested 6095 samples, of which 738 returned positive. Samples that are still being processed are 344. A total of 1953 individuals have been isolated in hospitals across the state as COVID-19 suspects and 21 persons have been discharged on recovery.