
KARNATAKA: Tragedy Strikes As Newlyweds Fall To Death Trying To Take A Selfie!

World statistics say that around 260 people die trying to click the perfect selfie!

A newlywed couple, Krithika and Arthesh fell to their deaths while trying to take a selfie with the check dam in the background. The couple were on their way to the woman’s maternal home in a village in the Hassan district of Karnataka.

Reports stated that police found the man’s motorcycle parked on the road on the way to the lady’s house. It was also discovered that the couple had married in March this year. Their bodies were found by fishermen from the Hemavati river.
The Bangalore based couple had returned to their hometown due to the enforcement of the lockdown as they wanted to spend time with their respective families.

Initially a missing person’s complaint was registered after the couple failed to arrive at the bride’s familial home and their phones were switched off.
One might think it’s ridiculous that  India is a country with the highest deaths related to taking selfies. Yet, everyday news emerges of people dying due to the want for a gram-worthy picture.
Last year a Chennai woman died after she fell to her death while trying to take a picture near a steep well.

In an incident as recent as last week a Turkish woman fell to her death while taking a picture at a party to celebrate turkeys lift of the lockdown. It was reported that the woman crossed the safety fence to take a picture with the scenic waterfall as the background.

According to a study around 260 people were killed between 2011-17 while they tried to take the perfect photo. Researchers suggested that ‘no selfie zones’ be introduced to reduce the number of selfie related deaths. The selfie deaths  were found to be common in India, Russia,U.S.A and Pakistan. In the said cases 72.5% of them were reported to be men.
Researchers also claim that the number of deaths could be more as selfie taking is never named as the cause of death. At times, road accidents that occur while posing for a selfie are reported to be death due to road traffic accident, hence the true numbers are never projected.

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