Social Issues

Juby Is 45 And Anoop Is 27? Here’s The Story Behind This Couple!

A handsome dowry was provided!

Well, there is no story behind this. Juby and Anoop, like any other couple liked each other when their parents arranged their meeting – it was a beautiful arranged marriage with mutual consent. Bride Juby is 27 and Anoop is 29 and the couple tied the knot on February 4th.

We thought social platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp had forward options for useful and informative causes – looks like it people use it to ruin the lives of these newly married couple!

Juby Joseph and Anoop Sebastian’s wedding picture came in a Malayalam daily’s matrimonial column and that’s when the ruthless circulation began.

In Juby and Anoop’s case, this is the forward which has been doing the rounds: “Woman’s age 48… Man’s age 25… Woman’s asset worth Rs 25 crore… Dowry 101 sovereigns Rs 50 lakh… The rest will follow… A marriage that happened in our own Cherupuzha.”

Judgements started pouring in ever since of Juby looking “much older” than Anoop but was wealthy enough, so you know?

This very disturbing forward reached Anoop and his family through relatives and well-wishers. A reluctant Anoop showed this message to Juby and she made sure she takes action against them.

The couple then filed a police complaint and in conversation to The News Minute, Kannur District Superintendent of Police told that the police will take cognisance of the forwards and trace the sender.

Juby works in Sharjah and Anoop in India. A source close to the family added, “We will definitely bring this person to justice because this is not only a fight for Juby but for other women across the globe who are subjected to unwarranted and unnecessary abuses. The police will apprehend the culprit in a day or two.”

Just a piece of advice – not all whatsApp forwards are true. Just be careful before you forward stories that are not validated. They might have never even been true.

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