In a recent interview, Aditi opened up about her opportunity working with an actor like Karthi. She shared, “It was a great opportunity, a blessing to work with Karthi sir and learn everyday just by watching. He also shares many experiences, techniques, books, what helped him and what I should lookout for.” While speaking about her career she said that she will pursue her singing and acting career side by side. For those who don’t know, Aditi Shankar is a Medical graduate, who has entered the acting field out of passion.
Viruman, her debut is completely different from the kind of films her dad Shankar makes. On that regard she shared, “The Viruman team was already on the lookout for a good character role. When I came to know, I wasn’t looking for a glamorous role or rural role. This came along and I really liked the character. I auditioned for the role, Muthaiyya sir really liked it and he encouraged me to take it up. So it all fell in place.”
Aditi has also sung a song in her debut Viruman. The music director for the film is Yuvan Shankar Raaja. She shared that singing for Yuvan, that too in her own movie was just awesome. She concluded with a message to the audience, “Before the release itself I’m getting so much support and love. Please keep this going, keep loving me the same way you’ve done with my dad. Take care of me too.”
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” I feel honoured to enter the same industry as my father”: Aditi Shankar!
Here’s what Karthi said about Aditi Shankar at the Viruman Press Meet!