Indian 2 actress Rakul Preet Singh, Deepika Padukone, Shraddha Kapoor, and actress Sara Ali Khan have been summoned by the NCB for further investigation and while that is about to begin, here is a curious question answered. How did the NCB get hold of Deepika Padukone’s alleged “Drug Chat” with her manager?
News channels that first accessed WhatsApp chats reportedly between actor Rhea Chakraborty and others have now shifted attention to a conversation which was part of a group chat from 2017, allegedly between Deepika Padukone and her manager Karishma. Although WhatsApp says that it maintains end-to-end encryption, the media that you backup on any of your drives, are not protected and that is mentioned as well.
Investigative agencies with the help of forensics experts take a particular user’s phone, clone it on another device and when it’s mirror image appears, they have the liberty to access all of the data including the ones that have been deleted.
With regards to Deepika’s WhatsApp messages, it was retrieved from Jaya Saha (Works for the KWAN) who was taken into custody a few days ago by the NCB. The messages are from the year 2017 and next to each name, there is added to it which means that it is the authentic WhatsApp server.
In India, 10 central probe and snoop agencies are empowered under the Information Technology (IT) Act to intercept, monitor, or decrypt any information generated, transmitted, received, or stored in any computer resource. This list of 10 includes the Narcotics Control Bureau, Enforcement Directorate, and the Central Bureau of Investigation as well. Jaya Saha’s name initially surfaced after the NCB got hold of Rhea Chakraborthy’s conversations with her requesting her for banned substances.
Under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, it is illegal for a person to produce, manufacture, possess, sell, purchase, transport, warehouse, use, consume, import inter-State, export inter-State, import into India, export from India or tranship any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance, except for medical or scientific purposes.
WhatsApp chats are a piece of admissible evidence in India today and Section 65(A) of the Act says that contents of electronic records may be proved if they satisfy certain criteria.