
A Nostalgic Letter From A Mother To Her Son On His Farewell!

In mother’s words!

I am very sorry for the times you had to wait hungry and managed with the ready –to –eats .And yet you never once showed that you are angry or upset. You have become a great impromptu chef. Noodles in different ways and that omelet you whip up are so yummy. Thank you for those quick dinners that we shared and all the tasty dishes you created. I miss all the endless conversations that left me awake and you asleep! Your support was my strength to strive and give to you all life’s best.

Sometimes, in fact, most times, I thought you would become a lawyer. The heated arguments and the varied discussions we have had, and though it got my BP soaring, I admired your eloquence. And of course you insisted on winning all the time, dismissing every point in reference in one single line,” ma you don’t know anything!” I wish I was there for all those times you needed me. For the moments you wanted a shoulder to cry on… for the moments you just wanted to rant… I wish I could have been there, to listen to you, to be comforting and to let you know I’m there, yet I know that you know I care.

Today, as I am getting ready to accompany you to school, for one last time, I cannot but help think of my little son with shorts, a big bag, and the water bottle slung across the shoulder and that slow motion releasing tight clasp; is all set to conquer the world. I am proud to see what a lovely young man you have become. Mature, tall and fine looking, my advisor and mentor, my darling son, you make me complete.

To think that I wished to be present for you most of the days, but my absence; on the contrary has made you, an independent, responsible and loving boy, oops! Not any more, a young gentleman. I think I‘d give myself a pat on the back for balancing my act of a mother and a career woman well!


With Love,



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