
This Is How Demonetization Hit Women The Most!

And we are already hoping the misery ends!

The recent currency demonetization has affected the lives of many. The move was made to ensure that all black money in the country are put to waste. Furthermore, this move helps bring countless amounts of money into record and taxation becomes mandatory. While this is an excellent move for many reasons, the struggle is hard for citizens, particularly women. Here are a few ways in which it has affected women:

    • Independent Women are now Dependent: Women living away from homes are finding it a huge drawback with the demonetization move. They can’t spend money for their daily lunch or their urgent shopping without a card. If a restaurant meal costed roughly about Rs.200 for one night, how can they find the correct amount when there is a scarcity of 100s and a complete lack of regard for the old 500s and 1000s? Even with the new Rs.2000 currency, transactions for lesser bill amounts are a hardship because the remaining change cannot be given without using 100s,500s and 1000s. And who can they ask for change if they are taking a cab late night and the cab driver refuses e-wallet transactions?