Health & Wellness

6 Lies That We Believed All Our Lives!

Busting heath myths!

Milk & milk products increase mucus production

There is a slight thickening of saliva after drinking milkbut that does not worsen your cold or throat ache. In fact, dairy products that are frozen provide a soothing relief to a sore throat and at the same time gives you some nutritional goodness too.

Drink 8 glasses of water a day

It is said that one’s body needs a generous amount of water on a daily basis. But what we seem to ignore is that we consume most of it through food. Water is present in fruits and vegetables, tea and coffee are also another means to hydration.

Ice creams cause a cough or a bad throat

Cough and cold are caused by bacterial and viral infections. Most ice creams undergo pasteurization which kills the illness-causing germs. Hygiene plays a very important role in causing infection; hence if the ice cream is processed under such conditions, then the chances of you catching a cold or a cough are higher.

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