Now, talks about reviving the film are back. When the initial cinematography started, Kajal Aggarwal was paired opposite Kamal for the film. As of now the cast also includes, Priya Bhavani Shankar and Rakul Preet Singh. However, there was news earlier that Kajal alone had dropped out of the film, as she got married and gave birth to her son in the mean time.
However, Kajal, in a recent interview, surprised her fans with the revelation that she is indeed still a part of Indian 2. She also revealed that the shoot of the film is all set to restart on September 13th. Kajal reportedly is to play an elderly woman in the film. This comes along with the news that Kamal Haasan has also gone to US for the film. He is apparently working on a new look for the film.
Earlier, there were reports that the team wished to sign either Deepika Padukone or Katrina Kaif for the film. Deepika is reportedly the highest paid Indian actress, and therefore the team is aiming the same for grandeur. In addition, as the makers are aiming for a Pan-Indian release, they want a Bollywood actor like Katrina Kaif for the same. The buzz was that both actors are currently in talks with the team, and the official announcement is to be made soon. We still don’t know if this is true or not.
Kajal, who was last seen in Hey Sinamika, is currently awaiting the release of Karungaapiyam, Ghosty and Uma. She is also all set to sign new films, now that she is out of her maternity break.
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