Ahead of the release, Janhvi Kapoor has reportedly gotten the number of Nayanthara, and had texted her, as she was reprising her role in the Hindi version. In an interview, Janhvi revealed, “I had read somewhere that Nayanthara had said something positive about the trailer. Something very sweet about me and the trailer. So I asked for her number, messaged her and said, thank you so much, it means a lot to me and your kind words have made my day. And she actually replied to me, which was very exciting. She was like, ‘Best of luck. I am rooting for you’ and said ‘Proud of you for doing such work early in your career’. So that was a huge compliment. I was so excited that she replied.”
This share of Janhvi proved the sweetheart that Nayanthara is in reality. Meanwhile, Nayanthara is currently filming for Iraivan, Jawan, Connect, Godfather and her untitled project ‘Lady Superstar 75’. Jawan is a film with Atlee and Shah Rukh Khan, and the actor has been travelling on and off to Mumbai for the shoot schedule. Her movie Gold, along with Prithviraj is in the post-production stage. Godfather is a Telugu film, where she will be starring alongside Chiranjeevi and is a remake of the Malayalam film, Lucifer. For her 75th film, the actor has teamed with director Nilesh Krishnaa, who was the assistant of Director Shankar.
After 7 years of dating, Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan finally tied the knot on June 9th 2022. After their wedding, which happened at Mahabalipuram, they made a quick trip to Tirupathi, and then headed for their Honeymoon to Thailand. They also held a Press Meet post their wedding, where they thanked the press and media for their coverage. They wedding documentary is all set to be released on Netflix, after some controversies. A few of their pre-wedding photos were also revealed on social media.
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Rahul Thatha reveals how Nayanthara fell in love with Vignesh Shivan!
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