Food & Nuitrition

Lose Weight With These Superfoods!

5 easy modifications that will help you lose weight!

There has been a lot of talk about health foods, more about superfoods of late! From the fitness freaks, new-age working women to the teenagers everyone seems to be swearing by the superfoods. Well, in short superfoods are organic foods which have immense health benefits. From preventing high risk diseases like cancer, heart troubles, diabetes to increasing your metabolism and energy levels. Superfoods help keep the lifestyle diseases at bay, besides they are packed with large doses of antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Hence, it makes good sense to pop in these essential health foods into your grocery bag! After all, what we eat has a definite effect on the health of our skin, hair and body.

We list out the top five superfoods which are a powerhouse of nutrients.
Here are some superfoods that the world is talking about you can quickly tuck into!

  1. Oats: Full of fibre ,oatmeals are slow to digest and are packed with , some protein, omega -3 fatty acids, potassium, magnesium and phytonutrients for improved brain function. Start your day with oats as your breakfast to give you energy for the day.
  2. Seeds- Chia seedshave protein, omega-3 and fibre, and help curb the appetite while Sunflower, Sesame and Pumpkin seeds contain beneficial fats, protein, Vit E and stress fighting antioxidants and important brain boosting minerals.