According to a report, Ranbir and Alia’s work schedules clashed with the festivities and thus, they couldn’t attend it. Speaking about the missing in action, particularly Ranbir, Deepika cleared the air on a recent chat show. “We’ve not spoken. I mean, we spoke before the reception but we have not spoken after. But, that’s him. I’m not surprised at all. But, that’s the relationship we share and that’s the beauty of that relationship; so much is said without saying much at all,” she said.
Deepika, who was in a relationship with Ranbir Kapoor years ago, was unable to move on easily after their break-up it’s been widely reported. While she has mentioned many times that she can never stop loving him, she found love again in Ranveer Singh. Ranbir and she fell in love quite early in their careers. He had speculated to have multiple affairs while dating her but Deepika has gone on record to say that she forgave him, but the cheating continued. Deepika was so invested in the relationship that she even had a tattoo of his initials on the nape of her neck.
But all that is in the past. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh have always given other couples major goals to strive for. Right from their sizzling chemistry on screen (and off screen) to their cutesy antics – these two are what one would call ‘Bollywood’s sweethearts’. Their recent wedding proved that they are fashion goals too, dressed in their best and taking the internet by storm with their colour-coordinated outfits.
READ: Deepika Padukone Rocks The Red
ALSO READ: Pics from Ranveer-Deepika’s wedding