Health & Wellness

6 Eating Habits You Must Avoid to Stay Healthy!



#1 Milk, rice, potato, curd are fattening. But, why? It only comes down to how much you eat in a day plus the physical activity which influences weight gain or weight loss. Portion sizes, methods of preparation, the accompanying dishes are the deciding factors before slamming the above mentioned as a “fattening food.”

#2 Chapattis are better than rice: People, who are intolerant to gluten (a protein present in some grains) end up gaining weight, retain water after eating rotis, oatmeal, barley or rye bread. However, rice has no anti-nutrients and is easier to digest, but the mistake most people do is eat large portions. But, in case of chapattis, it’s easier to quantify and the chew count is more, which definitely helps in eating a lot lesser.

#3 Eating less or skipping meals will help in losing weight: Nobody sees the actual complications this can cause. Your body needs a certain amount of calories to sustain physiological functions. It is important to remember that eating lesser than the daily requirements only pushes the body into starvation mode. Skipping meals will cause a drop in blood sugar levels and affect energy levels and moods. This will eventually lead to you eating a lot more in your next meal. Example: If you skip breakfast, you will end up eating a heavier lunch.

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