Health & Wellness

Laugh Your Way to Good Health

Laughter is said to be one of the best medicines. We tell you more about this free drug and its wondrous effects on life

Laughter is not called the ‘best medicine’ without a reason! Scientists have discovered that people with a good sense of humor, stay healthier and live longer than most. Why?



Laughter increases the number of natural killer cells in the body that attack virus-infected cells, limiting the ailments to a very low count. It’s said to have the same effect as practicing Yoga or Pranayama. Since it makes you hyperventilate, it also increases the oxygenation in your body and makes you feel more energetic.


Chances of death from heart diseases, cancer or even a tumor is said to drastically reduce with increase in laughter. It increases the blood flow and reduces the production of stress hormones, giving the heart a boost. Studies have proved that wittiness cuts down death from cancer by almost 70 per cent. Laughter releases the chemical Enkephalin, which is a natural painkiller. Some doctors even recommend laughter as an exercise to be regularly followed!


A great sense of humor is a very attractive trait in a person. When you laugh, the ‘feel-good’ hormone Serotonin is released in the brain and spreads across the body, making you feel good! Furthermore, what’s not to like in flushed pink cheeks and a million-watt smile? A good humored person genuinely radiates positive vibes that pull you toward them. So look at the funnier side of things, a nice long laugh is good for you!