
To All The Men In My Life Who Gave Me Wings To Fly!

A big Thank You to all for breaking societal norms and ideals.

Today, I write an open letter to all the men in my life who have loved me, supported me, inspired me and most importantly encouraged me to always be the best. We hear of a lot of households where the man undermines a woman or treats like her like she is any less. Fortunately, i was born into a progressive home, a home where being a man or a woman didn’t mean anything different. A home where sex never determined what one deserved or received. I pour my heart to all these men who are the true role models that the boys of today should look up to.


To the father, who let me fly with my wings wide open. Never judged my ability to do something because i am a girl, never made me feel any lesser than my brother. For the world needs more fathers like you who treat their sons and daughters the same because in reality they are a part of you, a part you created, a part you mould. When a son and a daughter are raised the same way, the son grows to be respectful and the daughter grows to be strong. Thanks Dad for breaking societal norms and letting your girl be your pride and not a liability.




To the brother I grew up with, who makes me more determined everyday. We are two peas in a pod, we have grown up together, we have lived the most glorious parts of life together, we have memories that are irreplaceable. Thanks for making me a part of your boy gang, for making even your friends understand that girls are equal to boys in every measure. You have set an example, you make me want to outdo myself everyday because of how much you believe in me. Thank you brother for shaping my Never say die attitude.

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