The valedictory function of the 44th Chess Olympiad that happened in Chennai, took place yesterday. There were a lineup of programs, and many from the film fraternity were a part of this. James Vasanthan and Sahitya Jagannathan were the Tamil and English anchors respectively. The event started with Tamil Thaai Vaazhthu, the anthem of Tamil. Amongst a group of people Aradhana was found singing the anthem along with another small girl. She then also sang the National anthem towards the end of the programme. Watch the video below:
Director Vignesh Shivan has directed the opening and closing ceremony of the Chess Olympiad 2022, and he has been receiving praise for his wonderful work. He also directed the Chess Olympiad anthem that featured Aditi Shankar as the lead dancer. The song was composed by Music Director A R Rahman. The 44th Chess Olympiad that commenced on July 28 at Mamallapuram near Chennai saw more than 2000 players from more than 180 countries participating in it.