But he went off social media for a while and is now back with a bang. The actor yesterday posted a video of his upcoming movie. In the video montage, Simbu can be seen performing and his weight loss journey was also shown. Actor Mahat Ragavendra took to his Twitter space and shared the video with an emotional note. He wrote, “A person who has utilised this quarantine in a positive way gives so much hope that we all still can & this is not just about his transformation or this isn’t about proving himself to others! This was for his true inner self! The real inner most being! You truly are the ATMAN”.
S Thaman shared the video and revealed that he composed the BGM for the video montage. He wrote, “Wow !! STR !!! Adiiiiii !!!!! happy to score for this”. Kollywood actor Harish Kalyan, who is also a huge fan of Simbu, wrote on his Twitter space, “#Atman This is gonna be a new avatar. Can’t wait for it na #SilambarasanTR Love you always”. Meanwhile, on the work front, Simbu has two films in his pipeline – Maanaadu directed by Venkat Prabhu and the yet to be titled film with Suseenthiran.
CHECK out the video here!
Atman-SilambarasanTR#Atman #SilambarasanTR #STR pic.twitter.com/6TY4kujAOr
— Silambarasan TR (@SilambarasanTR_) October 22, 2020
On a professional front the actor is touted to be a part of the Tamil remake of the Malayalam film Ayyappanum Koshiyum. Meanwhile, the actor has begun shooting for Maanaadu directed by Venkat Prabhu also starring Kalyani Priyadarshan. Yuvan Shankar Raja has been roped in to compose music for the film. Actor Sj Suryah, Manoj Bharathiraja, Daniel Annie Pope will be seen playing pivotal roles.