Kollywood actor Vishal Krishna, who is also the president of Tamil Films Producers Council and Secretary of Nadigar Sangam, is finally getting hitched to Telugu actress and the daughter of a Hyderabad-based businessman. Her name is Anisha Alla Reddy.
For a long time now, numerous rumours about Vishal’s marriage and fiance were making the rounds in social media. The actor came forward to clear all the rumours and announced that he is going to get engaged. More details on the engagement are yet to be revealed.
Vishal shared a picture of the two together and tweeted, “Yes.. happy. Too happy. Happiest. Her name s #AnishaAlla. And yes she said yes. And it’s confirmed. My biggest transition in life. Will be announcing the date soon. God bless.” Many took to Twitter to congratulate the couple.
Yes.. happy. Too happy. Happiest. Her name s #AnishaAlla. And yes she said yes. And it’s confirmed. My next biggest transition in life.😬😬😬😬❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘 will be announcing the date soon. God bless. pic.twitter.com/NNF7W66T2h
— Vishal (@VishalKOfficial) January 16, 2019
Anisha was seen playing the role of an ex-girlfriend in Telugu film Pelli Choopulu and one of Vijay Deverakonda’s friends in Arjun Reddy. She had earlier posted a photo of herself and actor Vishal on Sankranti day in her Instagram and said it was a ‘new beginning.’
Anisha wrote, “I finally found somebody to go down the path of life with, loving him and life with true passion. I look up to this man for all that he stands for and for all of his heart. I vow to give back to him, the families and the people around with this step forward. I vow to be the best that I can be, intention towards collective learning, love and moral value.”
Earlier rumours hit social media that the actor and Varalakshmi Sarathkumar are in a relationship but it was later denied by both of them saying they are really good friends and there is nothing more than that.
Vishal is currently filming for his upcoming film Ayogya with Venkat Mohan. The first look poster of the film has been released in November last year and shows Vishal seated on a police jeep, holding an alcohol bottle in hand. The film is scheduled to be released later this year.