Vetrimaaran’s Visaranai is India’s official entry to the 89th Academy Awards or commonly known as the Oscars. The film revolves around 4 migrant workers wrongly convicted of a crime which they did not commit. The film deals with our highly corrupt judicial and police system. The film was honored by the Indian government by awarding 3 National awards to the film. The movie produced by actor Dhanush’s Wunderbar Films won Best feature film, Samuthirakani won the Best Supporting Actor and Kishore Te for Editing. The film has also won many International film festival awards.
India has been nominating it's movies in the foreign category to the Oscars since 1957, that is since the 30th Academy Awards. So far 59 Indian films have made their entries, but only 3 out of those have been officially nominated to the Oscars. Those are Mother India (1957), Salaam Bombay (1988) and Lagaan (2001).
Out of the 59 entries, 9 have been from Tamil, making it the the second most nominated language after Hindi. The nine films are: