In a recent, Khushbu shared a tweet about Smriti Irani of the BJP not being educated and that the MP accepted that she is uneducated finally.To which Gayathri responded:
Did Mrs. Kushboo finish or Mr. Kamal (like my Akka and my uncle) finish their degree? Duty dedication loyalty is important. Absolutely Smriti ji has done her best for Amethi where Rahul Gandhi failed. Serial trolling a serial is baseless.
— Chowkidar Gayathri Raguramm (@gayathriraguram) April 12, 2019
And Khushbu hit back at her for her tweet against her:
My dear Gayu, your uncle @ikamalhaasan or me have never said we have finished our education and have a degree..we are not ashamed of our humble beginnings or our struggle..we do not believe in fekuism but in serving people without any frills of holding a piece of false paper..😊
— KhushbuSundar..#NYAYforINDIA..#CONGRESSforINDIA (@khushsundar) April 12, 2019
We wonder if this could get worse!