In an interview, the director Arun Vaseegaran spoke about what kind of film The Road would be. He said, “Actually, this isn’t a female-centric film. The film revolves around the conflict between two individuals — a good woman and an evil man. The road is the connecting point for these characters. So, rather than calling the film heroine-centric, I’d say the film has a female protagonist, someone affected by the bad elements in the society, and a male antagonist, played by Shabeer Kallarakkal, who reflects the society. The film is not easy to categorise. You can’t call it a thriller or an action drama even though it has fights and violence.”
Trisha released the first look of this film on her birthday, May 4th, when she also announced that she will be working with this debut director. When asked why he chose Trisha for his movie, Arun shared, “I’d actually approached almost all the popular actresses, but since both the production house and I were new, and given that I haven’t worked under any director previously, they were all hesitant — which is quite understandable. It is Trisha who provided me with the opportunity to narrate my script. However, initially, since she was committed to a few projects, she wasn’t sure about doing the film as her dates had been fully booked. She even apologised for not being able to do the film. But one fine day, she called up and said that she had read my script again and she’d love to do the film somehow. When I told her that we could start shooting whenever she gave us the date, she said we should start work immediately.”
Trisha has now started choosing roles with more depth, rather than just simple heroine roles. So, when asked about her role in this film, the director said, “Trisha plays a housewife, but she is a former journalist. She’s been leading a life of domesticity with her husband and her son for six-seven years. But she finds herself in an extraordinary situation that throws up two options on how she can choose to proceed with her life — one, she could accept the problem and go the safe way by avoiding it, which will help her lead the rest of her life with no issues; the other is the path of revenge, which is filled with several complications and bloodbath, and will force her to journey into a dark world that she hasn’t seen until then. The road she chooses, both literally and figuratively, and the situations and people she has to meet due to her choice, form the plot.”
He also added that Santosh Pratap will be acting as Trisha’s husband in the film. The film is to be bankrolled by AAA Cinemaa Pvt. Ltd. The release date of the film is not yet announced. Fans are eagerly waiting for the same. Meanwhile, Trisha is also working on a Malayalam film ‘Ram’, directed by Jeethu Joseph. She is all set to act alongside Mohanlal for the same.