The actress was seen in many reality shows like Cook with Comali, KPY in Vijay television after Bigg Boss and now she is a participant in BB Jodigal. BB Jodigal, a dance-based reality show, has been entertaining the audience since May 2, 2021. The show features famous contestants from all the four previous seasons held so far and one pair among them is Vanitha Vijayakumar and Suresh Chakravarthy. Actress Ramya Krishnan and actor Nakhul Jaidev have been the judges of the show. Vanitha seems to have walked out of the show after being harassed, humiliated and treated unfairly.
She put out a long statement that read:
Thank you @vijaytelevision for giving me the best opportunities of my life beginning from #biggbosstamil3 ..#cookuwithkomali season 1..and #kalakkapovadhuyaaru season 9.. and #bbjodigal. I want to make it clear I WALKED OUT OF THE SHOW @bbsureshthatha sorry I had to do this..❤️🙏
— Vanitha Vijaykumar (@vanithavijayku1) July 2, 2021
Recently, Vanitha dancing in the guise of Kali went viral on the internet. She thanked her fans and well wishers for supporting and appreciating her Kali avatar in the reality show.