“There’s no point of me being famous and having a voice if I can’t use that voice to help others. I feel it’s my responsibility, as an actress and as an individual, to do whatever I can in a crisis like this,” said Nidhhi. She said that she found it really difficult when all her family members contracted the virus and she was the only one who escaped. It was very difficult for her because she could not be in the same room as them and care for them. She also said that coordinating for beds and requirements was not easy. “That’s when it struck me how the situation would be for others, who are struggling to even meet their basic needs,” added Nidhhi.
Nidhhi has two teams in place, one in Chennai and another in Hyderabad. The Bhoomi actress has also tied up with a few charitable organisations for the same. “I chose Chennai and Hyderabad because I do a lot of work in Tamil and Telugu films and I know quite a lot of people here. These teams comprise young social workers and digital guys who have connections across the country,” she said.
She said that she chose to go for a website because, while social media is helpful, a lot of them share their requests on the comment section and it is very difficult to verify the genuineness of the same. When it comes to a website, they will have to fill in a lot of details and provide their addresses which will make it easy to check for authenticity. The actress also added that the website will continue to function after the pandemic for basic health-related requirements. “I’ve already been buying rations and medicines and getting them home delivered to people with the finance I have, but I want to extend it to even finding beds, oxygen supplies… any kind of need that people would have,” she added.
On the professional front, after Bhoomi, Nidhhi has signed up for 1 Tamil film and 2 Telugu films that are still filming. The actress has recently garnered a lot of fan following amongst the Tamil audiences.