Kajal Aggarwal has been sharing photos with her husband on social media and fans are just going ‘Awww’ about their couple goals. At this point, Kajal said that she is getting great support from her husband and family members which is helping her concentrate on her job. However, she is not sure for how long she will be acting. She further added that she will quit acting if her husband Gautham asks her to. Still, she is now working hard to complete all the prior commitments she has made.
This statement comes at a time when fans have been waiting for updates on her new movies. For this year, she has signed up for 7 films in total, out of which 2 have been completed and 5 are still under production. In Kollywood, the actress was last seen in the movie Comali, along with Jayam Ravi.
On 6th October last year, the actress announced her marriage with Gautam Kitchlu and the couple got hitched on 30th October in a private ceremony back in Mumbai. The couple had known each other for almost 10 years, where they dated for 3 and remained friends for 7. In an interview, Kajal opened up that the lockdown was the main factor that made them realise that they were made for each other. Gautam is the founder of an Interior Designing firm called Discern Living that sells Furniture and Decor items.