Dharsha Gupta was seen wearing a dark green Lehenga to the event. Talking about how Sunny Leone wore a saree, Sathish commented and trolled Dharsha for not wearing one. He said, “Look at the way a girl from Bombay has dressed, and look at the way a girl from Coimbatore has dressed up.” He then justified his statement by saying that he just appreciated Leone for adapting our culture in our city. However, it is very evident that the actor-comedian tried to school Dharsha and pass on an opinion that a woman’s identity is fully based on how they dress. His statement tries to reiterate that women who don’t dress in ‘stereotypical’ Tamil clothes are not Tamil women. Ironically, Sathish who made this comment was not wearing a Veshti (Dhoti), an outfit that is considered traditionally a Tamil outfit for men.
Calling out this unnecessary comment, Chinmayi shared the video of his comment and said, “I mean – To actually *point* at a woman and ask for mass heckling of a crowd by a man on a woman who doesn’t dress according to culture. When will this behaviour from men stop? It’s not funny.”
I mean – To actually *point* at a woman and ask for mass heckling of a crowd by a man on a woman who doesn’t dress according to culture.
When will this behaviour from men stop?
Its not funny. pic.twitter.com/HIoC0LM8cM
— Chinmayi Sripaada (@Chinmayi) November 9, 2022
It is high-time men stop schooling women and stereotyping them for dressing a certain way. The clothing of a woman does not define her identity. Her nativity and the language she speaks defines whether or not she belongs to a particular place.