Aditi opted for a basic look in a satin peach-coloured shirt paired up with brown pants. She rounded off the look with simple makeup, a sling bag, and white sneakers. As she posed for cameras, the paparazzi ask her to pose with Siddharth but she laughs it off and says ‘woh tho chala gaya’. The Bommarillu actor opted for causal attire and covered his face with a mask. According to reports, Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth have been dating for a few months now. Although they haven’t officially confirmed, their sweet birthday notes and constant dates have added much-needed fuel to the rumours. Not just that, Aditi and Siddharth recently attended the engagement ceremony of their Maha Samudram co-star Sharwanand in Hyderabad. Recently, Siddharth shared a photo on social media where he was spotted wearing a t-shirt Aditi had previously worn. Recently, during an event of her upcoming film Taj, the actress was asked to comment about her dating rumours with Siddharth. Answering the question, she said, “Mujhe abhi bohot bhuk rak rahi hai toh main ja rahi hu khana khane (I am starving right now so I will go and eat),” and left.
On the work front, Siddharth will be seen next in Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2, directed by Shankar. The film recently began shooting for a new schedule in Chennai and it will go on for 30 days. Aditi, on the other hand, Aditi will be seen in a silent project, titled Gandhi Talks. The actress also has the web series Taj: Divided by Blood in the pipeline.