The actor after a hiatus has now started to choose some intriguing roles but his previous film Eashwaran did not perform well at the box office. His upcoming films Maanaadu and Pathu Thalai are anticipated among his fans. Simbu is also doing a huge project with Gautham Vasudev Menon titled Nadhigalile Neeradum Sooriyan.
As the actors are busy doing wrapping their schedules, fans are resurfacing a previous interview of actor Simbu where he talks about Dhanush being his “enemy” but his meaning was professionally, that is, he wants to have a healthy professional competition with his otherwise personal friend Dhanush.
He added that Dhanush is his competitor and he will always try to give bigger hit films. He added that a healthy competition is needed for both of them to grow bigger in their careers. Talking about his films, STR said, “When Polladhavan became a blockbuster, I was very happy for Dhanush but I also had an urge to do a bigger film”.
On the professional front, Dhanush will fly to Spain to shoot the second schedule of The Gray Man also starring Chris Evans and Ryan Gosling. Apart from that, Dhanush will soon begin shooting for Selvaraghavan’s Naane Varuven.