There was once a time where people constantly shamed her and trolled her for getting a plastic surgery done. Although, she has always made it clear that changing her body or her face is her life choice and yet there always seems to be some conjecture going on around it. Shruti then made sure that she opens up about it and shuts down all the rumours. “No one famous or not is in a position to judge another person. Ever. That’s just not cool. I’m happy to say this is my life my face and yes I’ve had plastic surgery which I’m not ashamed to admit,” wrote Shruti. “Do I promote it ? No. Am I against it ? No. It’s just how I choose to live. The biggest favour we can do for ourselves and others is just be and learn to accept the changes and the movement of our bodies and minds. Spread love and be chill. I’m learning everyday to love me for me just a little more because the greatest love story of my life is with myself and I hope yours is too,” concluded Shruti in her Instagram post.