The Tamil action drama directed by Noah, and written by Noah, Tamil Prabha, and Prabhu Kalidas showcases a star-studded cast, including Nasser, Sathyaraj, Nimisha Sajayan, Easwari Rao, Ashok Selvan, and Ritika Singh. Set in the 1970s, the movie portrays a story of revenge and power struggle within the first organized gang in a port city, with lots of action and drama.
On the work front.
Ashok Selvan was last seen in Blue Star, a comedy sports drama written and directed by S. Jayakumar. The movie revolves around two cricket players struggling to make a name for themselves as a cricketer and their challenges while climbing the ladder to achieve their goals. Ritika Singh was last seen in King of Kotha, where she did a cameo for a song. Her upcoming project includes Vettaiyan. Nimisha Sajayan is her reigning era, her latest series Poacher is gaining great popularity. Last year, all who watched the films appreciated and recognized her work in Tamil movies Chithha and Jigarthanda Double X.