Now, the Nerkonda Paarvai star has taken to Twitter to announce her name change. She wrote, “I appreciate people who get my name right. So much. Even though your keyboard suggests Das or Kapoor, every fibre of your body tells you that Srinath is the one to type. I appreciate you. I see you. You are loved. On Instagram though I changed my name to Shraddha Rama Srinath. Maybe I should change it here too. Rama is my mom’s name. Henceforth will consciously introduce myself as Shraddha Rama Srinath everywhere. Watch me.”
I appreciate people who get my name right. So much. Even though your keyboard suggests Das or Kapoor, every fibre of your body tells you that Srinath is the one to type. I appreciate you. I see you. You are loved.
— Shraddha Srinath (@ShraddhaSrinath) August 3, 2022
She then also added, “You guys don’t worry about this though this is for me. Just… Just call me Shraddha Srinath. Not das or Kapoor. It’s a huge ask i know, especially for interns handling big film accounts. But please, do it for the sake of the journalism school you never graduated from.”
You guys don’t worry about this though ☝️this is for me. Just… Just call me Shraddha Srinath. Not das or Kapoor. It’s a huge ask i know, especially for interns handling big film accounts. But please, do it for the sake of the journalism school you never graduated from
— Shraddha Srinath (@ShraddhaSrinath) August 3, 2022
The actor has decided to add her mother’s name as her middle name on all social media platforms, so people refer to her as Shraddha Rama Srinath, henceforth. On the work front, the actor is working on Rudhraprayag, a Kannada film and Kaliyugam a Tamil film. Her biggest hits so far in Tamil are Maara and Vikram Vedha with Madhavan and Nerkonda Paarvai with Ajith.