In his winning speech, Mugen said, “The love Tamil Nadu people have given is bigger than anything I can get. I thank all those who supported me and stood by me throughout the show. They helped me to stay focussed and get back when I got off the track. Tamil Nadu has become my home now.”
However, the audience was interested to know whatever happened to Mugen’s proposal to Nadiah.
In a recent interview, Mugen was asked about the brand-new glow in his face and whether the reason for that would acceptance of his proposal to which, the winner said, “Absolutely. She did say yes and that’s why the glow. If we’re happy at heart it shows on the face.”
Well, the love of his life Yasmin Nadiah is a martial artist who has also worked in a few Malaysian films. She has also worked with Mugen in some of these films.
Unlike Tharshan’s love interest who is very expressive about their relationship, Nadiah is a very private person who does not prefer sharing much about her personal life.