The famous Malayalam actor Mammootty’s son Dulquer salmaan who predominantly appeared in Malayalam and Tamil movies married an architect Amal Sufia on December 22, 2011, in Chennai. Dulquer wore a velvet suit and Amal looked lovely in a Sabyasachi Mukherjee lehenga. On December 26th Mammootty hosted a grand reception in a resort in Kochi. The reception was attended by famous south actors and everyone in Malayalam industry.
On May 5, 2017, Mollywood star Dulquer Salmaan and Amal Sufiya welcomed their first child, a baby girl – Maryam. The beautiful baby’s pictures have been the talk of the town ever since their parents made her pose for one every time she is dressed or does something funny. Adding to this beautiful personal profile of the actor, here is a beautiful picture the family posed for recently. It is already going viral: