In her latest post too, the actor has typed out a message to spread body positivity. She shared pictures of herself with her daughter in a swimsuit and said, “You don’t need to explain your body appearance to anyone. Or give them a reason or excuse why you look a certain way. I’ve heard many times that I had a postpartum ‘excuse’ for weight gain. I disagree. Weight fluctuations can happen to anyone at any stage. I’ve gained weight many times 👉🏼 before becoming a mother. It’s only now that I am fully aware of my patterns. I can mindfully stay on course to becoming healthy and fit : NOT SKINNY! ✅I choose to talk about this because I see many messages from men and women on the judgement & pressure . This post is to have you know that You don’t need to fit into what is expected of you to look a certain type 🙌🏻#bodypositivity #imperfectlyperfect #bodypositive #selflove #body ✨”
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She received a lot of comments and appreciation for being vocal about body image issues and body positivity. Earlier in the month of May, she shared a reel with a similar message. “We’ve all been shamed at some point: sometimes by society. Sometimes we do it to ourselves. Today’s #fitnessfriday post is dedicated to #mentalhealthawarenessmonth Pause and ask. ‘is hate , fear , expectation, shame , self-doubt driving you to question yourself ? We all do it. I do to. It’s only human. But going past it with kindness and acceptance of yourself and others can set you free. Loving your ‘flaws’ & ‘imperfections’ as they call it is your ticket to move towards a happy you .Take time to talk and listen to someone. It’s ok not to feel ok all the time. We are all #imperfectlyperfect,” she captioned her video.
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Sameera Reddy is the mother of 2, a son and a daughter. She is never the one to shy away and is an inspiration for many women to love and embrace themselves. Her Instagram page is always a safe place for people to discuss anything in the world. The actress has addressed various issues including curbing fears, depression, anxiety, body-positivity, confidence, woman-power to name a few. She has been body shamed and trolled for how she looks now with memes comparing her look back when she acted in Vaaranam Aayiram. She has always been vocal about such issues and has been confident about her body. She has given fitting replies to such trolls with her confidence. She is a big inspiration for women in recent times.