According to a report in The Times of India, actress Keerthy Suresh has agreed to get married. The actress’s father Suresh Kumar is inclined towards a Political Party and has opted for a billionaire businessman who has a large political tie-up too. Keerthy had reportedly agreed to the arranged wedding as well. The details about the businessman and the date of the wedding are not yet confirmed. However, we can expect a big announcement regarding Keerthy Suresh’s wedding soon as per the latest reports. But the actress or her parents have not given any confirmations as yet. Keerthy dropped out of her Bollywood debut film Maidaan alongside Ajay Devgn and Mani Ratnam’s Ponniyin Selvan due to date issues.
Keerthy Suresh debuted in the Tamil film industry with the film Idhu Enna Maayam. The actress has done a lot of films in Tollywood and Kollywood after until she won the National Award for her stellar performance in Mahanati. Post that the actress did films like Saamy Square, Sandakozhi 2 and Sarkar. Keerthy has two Tollywood films, one Kollywood and one Mollywood film to wrap up namely Rang De with actor Nithiin, Miss India, Annathae directed by Siva also starring superstar Rajinikanth and Marakkarr: Arabikadalante Simham alongside actor Mohanlal.