Rashmika is all set to travel to Delhi in order to shoot for Animal along with Ranbir Kapoor. A source close to the actress revealed, “This is the first time Rashmika will be visiting Delhi for the shoot of ‘Animal’ and other work commitments. She is very excited about the shoot to explore the city and meet her fans. Due to her busy schedule, she could never visit Delhi but now she will there for the shoot and her fans will be equally excited to have her in the capital city.” It is reported that she is likely to travel on the 26th and stay there for a while.
Apart from Mission Majnu, Animal and Goodbye, Rashmika, who was last seen in Aadavaallu Meeku Johaarlu, is also working on Varisu co-starring Vijay, and Sita Ramam, co-starring Dulquer Salmaan and Mrunal Thakur. She is also working on the sequel of Pushpa along with Allu Arjun.