The actor took to her Instagram to announce the news. She is all set to act in a Malayalam film, ‘Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam’ directed by Malayalam director Lijo Jose Pellisery. The most important part of the announcement is that she is all set to act along with Malayalam star Mammooty.
On her Instagram, she shared a photo of herself with Mammooty and said, “I am glad to officially announce that my next project is in malayalam. To have an opportunity to work with the Critically acclaimed and one of the most influential directors Lijo Jose Pellissery sir and Megastar @mammootty sir has been a dream come true. Thank you DOP @thenieswarcinematographer sir @tinu_pappachan and the team”
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The shoot for the movie has already started and is going on in Palani. The movie is a bilingual Tamil and Malayalam film. Malayalam actor Ashokan has also shared the film’s team and is playing a pivotal role in the movie.
Ramya Pandian started her film career with ‘Dummy Tappasu’ and became popular after her performance in ‘Joker’. Her claim to fame is Vijay TVs Cooku with Comali show and subsequently also her performance in Bigg Boss, where she was one of the finalists.