However, the media has been reporting that Rakul has refused to shoot for her next Tamil film Ayalaan alongside Sivakarthikeyan. In fact, some reports also stated Rakul has refused to shoot with the actor himself. A report stated, “#RakulPreetSingh Refuses To Shoot For #Ayalan, Her Behavior Is Replacing Her From Films.”
#RakulPreetSingh Refuses To Shoot For #Ayalan, Her Behavior Is Replacing Her From Films@Rakulpreet
— Box Office Worldwide (@BOWorldwide) June 26, 2020
For quite sometime, reports were ignored by the team. However, Rakul has now made a clear point with regards to the same. “When will we have responsible journalism. When will media start checking facts stooping so low just for some extra hits plz tell me who is starting shoot and where @BOWorldwide cos I am dying to work.”
When will we have responsible journalism. When will media start checking facts . 😂 stooping so low just for some extra hits 🤷♀️ plz tell me who is starting shoot and where @BOWorldwide cos I am dying to work 🤣
— Rakul Singh (@Rakulpreet) June 26, 2020
Ayalaan’s director Ravi Kumar has also come to her rescue and has defended her on social media. “@Rakulpreet is one of the most professional artists I have worked with. It’s extremely unfortunate that the media falls prey for rumors and being an accomplice. We as a team are in full spirit and can’t wait to resume work with her and finish our shoot after normalcy returns,” Ravi Kumar stated.
@Rakulpreet is one of the most professional artists I have worked with. It’s extremely unfortunate that the media falls prey for rumors and being an accomplice.
We as a team are in full spirit and can’t wait to resume work with her and finish our shoot after normalcy returns.— Ravikumar R (@Ravikumar_Dir) June 26, 2020
Thankyou so much for the kind words 🙏🏻🙏🏻yessss can’t wait to start shoot soon 💪🏻💪🏻
— Rakul Singh (@Rakulpreet) June 26, 2020
On the professional front, Rakul has Ayalaan where she plays the role of an astronomer. She also has Indian 2 alongside Kamal Haasan, Kajal Aggarwal, Siddharth and Priya Bhavani Shankar.