Taking to her Twitter Rayanae shared, “@realradikaa account has been hacked . So do not open any messages sent from here account.” Actor turned Politician, Kushboo also shared the news on her Twitter page. “Hi friends, my good friend and a huge powerhouse of talent @realradikaa account is hacked. A complaint has been raised and trying to solve the issue. She conveys her apologies for not being able to connect at the moment but promises to be back soon. Thanks for your support,” she wrote.
@realradikaa account has been hacked . So do not open any messages sent from here account
— Rayane Mithun (@rayane_mithun) December 6, 2021
Hi friends, my good friend and a huge powerhouse of talent @realradikaa account is hacked. A complaint has been raised and trying to solve the issue. She conveys her apologies for not being able to connect at the moment but promises to be back soon. Thanks for your support. 🙏🙏
— KhushbuSundar (@khushsundar) December 6, 2021
The actor last tweeted on Sunday where she shared a picture of the Christmas tree that she had put up in her house. She also shared Valimai’s second single #MotherSong written by Vignesh Shivan, calling it “Beautiful song and so so poignantly written”
Beautiful song and so so poignantly written❤️❤️❤️ https://t.co/UlJxh3Uf7t
— Radikaa Sarathkumar (@realradikaa) December 5, 2021
Radikaa was last seen in Anabelle Sethupathi, a Tamil movie starring Vijay Sethupathi and Taapsee Pannu in lead roles. Before that film, she played a pivotal role in Vaanam Kottatum, produced by Mani Ratnam. The release of two of her films, ‘Oh Andha Naatkal’ and ‘Dhruva Natchathiram’ have been delayed. Meanwhile she is also working two other films.