The Chopra-Jonas families booked the Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace for the wedding from November 29, 2018, to December 3, 2018. The couple also booked the fort from November 29 to December 1. Together they shared pictures from their pre-wedding celebrations and it looks like a total blast. And we mean literally.
About a month ago, right before Diwali, Priyanka Chopra went on an anti-fireworks campaign urging her fans to “Skip the crackers this Deepawali”, especially bearing in mind asthmatic patients.
However, contrary to what she preached, on Saturday night, at her wedding celebrations, there were massive fireworks in the skies of Jodhpur as seen in the video she shared.
Even at the wedding, PC got called out for using animals for the ceremonies, where PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) slammed the celeb couple.
Dear @priyankachopra and @nickjonas. Eles 4 weddings live n chains & horses r controlled w whips, spiked bits. Ppl r rejecting ele rides: & having horse-free weddings. Congrats, but we regret it was not a happy day for animals.
— PETA India ❤️❤️ (@PetaIndia) December 3, 2018
Meanwhile, the official pictures of the newlyweds aren’t out yet. The couple were photographed on Monday, with Priyanka in a traditional green saree and sindoor on her forehead.
Check out other pictures from their pre-wedding celebrations here.