The Audio and Trailer launch of the film happened in a grand manner recently at Nehru Indoor Stadium. All the cast members including Aishwarya Rai and Vikram made an appearance at the event yesterday. Actors Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan graced the event with their presence and launched the trailer live. Several other stars including Directors Shankar and Gautam Vasudev Menon, and Music composers Yuvan Shankar Raaja and Santosh Narayanan were also present. The trailer of the film and all 6 songs from the film were launched on the very same day. Apart from Ponni Nadhi and Chola Chola, Raatchasa Maamaney, Devaralan Aatam, Sol and Alaikkadal were launched on that day.
In a recent press meeting, Mani Ratnam was quoted as revealing that the second part of the film is all set to release precisely 9 months after the first part’s release. As the first part is all set to release on September 30, the second part will most likely be somewhere around June end or July beginning next year. Ponniyin Selvan is to be released in 2 parts, and the first part is releasing on September 30th. The final work of the film is currently going on, and the director has reportedly made a final copy of the film. The runtime of the film is apparently 2 hours and 50 minutes or 170 minutes, which is less than several large-scale movies. Probably, Mani Ratnam went for a short and sweet first half, in order to hook the audience with a longer and more detailed second part. The budget of the film is said to be a whopping Rs 500 crore. The audience is eagerly waiting for the film and now we hear that ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ digital rights have been sold for a whopping price. Reports suggest that both the parts of ‘Ponniyin Selvan’ have been sold on a whole to a popular OTT platform for an amount of Rs 125 crores. The OTT platform is none other than Amazon Prime Video. So those of you who don’t want to witness the grandeur in the theatre, can relax and watch the film on your home screen.
The team announced that Ponniyin Selvan will be the first Tamil movie to be released in the IMAX format. This will ensure that the audience will have the larger-than-life experience of watching the film, just like the movie itself. While Ravi Varman is handling the camera for the film, Sreekhar Prasad is handling the edit and Thotta Tharani is designated for the Production Design of the film. The film is bankrolled by Lyca Productions and Madras Talkies. The music director for the movie is AR Rahman. PS-1 is slated for a worldwide release on September 30, 2022, in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.