The lead actors and actresses revealed that the director gives them a lot of space and a chance to explore their characters. Actress Aishwarya Rai said that Mani Ratnam’s film has always been so different and iconic. The actress revealed that while shooting for the film, no one even knew when the shot was complete and it has been the same since her first film ‘Iruvar’ in Tamil with Mani Ratnam. “We will be figuring out how to do the scene and after completing the shot, we will still be thinking what to do and by the time we wonder if it was done right, he will have already moved to the next scene. We will look around and even will ask DOP Ravi Varman if it’s done,” Aishwarya said.
Aishwarya Rai also opened up about her daughter Aaradhya’s favourite time on the sets. Aishwarya said that her daughter was mesmerized when she got the opportunity to visit the sets. She further added that Aaradhya has already imbibed the admiration Aish has for Ratnam. “She respects him and she is in awe of him. And his affection is so sweet. And what excited her the most was when one day she came on set and he gave her the opportunity to say action. She couldn’t get over it. She’s like ‘Sir gave me the opportunity to say that!’ And we were like none of has got the opportunity either so that is the most cherished memory and really precious. She already values it and I think with growing years more so, it will be a much-cherished memory,” said the actress.
The team announced that Ponniyin Selvan will be the first Tamil movie to be released in the IMAX format. This will ensure that the audience will have the larger-than-life experience of watching the film, just like the movie itself. While Ravi Varman is handling the camera for the film, Sreekhar Prasad is handling the edit and Thotta Tharani is designated for the Production Design of the film. The film is bankrolled by Lyca Productions and Madras Talkies. The music director for the movie is AR Rahman. PS-1 is slated for a worldwide release on September 30, 2022, in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Malayalam.