The team in currently shooting in Mumbai and various pictures of Rajinikanth and Nayanthara has been leaked and their looks have been appreciated. Here are pictures of them chilling and having fun while the team sets up:
Looks like so much fun!
The team in currently shooting in Mumbai and various pictures of Rajinikanth and Nayanthara has been leaked and their looks have been appreciated. Here are pictures of them chilling and having fun while the team sets up:
The GOAT is a treat for all those Vijay fans who were disappointed with his retirement announcement.
A film of loud silences & silent screams!
A necessary film of the hour!
A comeback vehicle for our stars!
Minmini misses the spark!
The GOAT is a treat for all those Vijay fans who were disappointed with his retirement announcement.
A film of loud silences & silent screams!
A necessary film of the hour!
A comeback vehicle for our stars!
Are you a fan of Vijay Antony’s deeply philosophical talks?
Raayan, truly rumbles its way through!
Zero Tolerance? Yes, among the audience!
Thiagarajan Kumararaja, a filmmaker truly ahead of his time!