Meanwhile, the actor is quite active on her social media, especially on her Instagram. The actor uses her Instagram story, and posts updates and messages using the forum. Recently, she took to her Insta story to send a cryptic message to her followers. She said, “It’s so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It’s like the trash took itself out.” Now, we have no idea who this message is aimed towards. But, this super sarcastic message is surely directed at someone.
Now, a really cute and adorable unseen baby photo of Trisha has gone viral on social media. She is seen with her mother in the photo. She is wearing an adorable frilled frock, while her mother has worn a traditional pattu saree. The young Trisha is pointing towards something, probably out of curiosity, while her mother poses straight for the photo. We can clearly see that the actor’s face has not changed ever since.
Trisha rose to fame with movies like Lesa Lesa, Saamy and Enakku 20 Unakku 18. Eventually, with movies like Ghilli and Aayutha Ezhuthu, Trisha started creating a niche for herself, not only in Kollywood but also in Tollywood. Now, Trisha is the only actress in Kollywood who has sustained for 20 whole years, without taking a break or quitting the industry. On the work front, Trisha is filming for Jeethu Joseph’s Ram along with Mohanlal, in Malayalam. She is also doing The Road with Arun Vaseegaran, a debutante director. Trisha plays a housewife, but she is a former journalist in the film. For Television, she has signed up for Brinda in Telugu for SonyLiv.